Moderated Working Groups
Working group 1: Energy efficiency of heating supply systems
- Moderators: Mr Kunze/BEWOG (DE); Mr Borchard/B.&S.U. mbH (DE)
- Input: Background information: Germany and BerlinWP4 Background Estonia
- Summary
Working group 2: District heating and cogeneration
- Moderators: Ms Aina Bataraga/ Fortum Jelgava (LV); Mr Thomas Knorr-Siedow/ UrbanPlus (DE)
- Input: Background information from Germany and Berlin
- Summary
Working group 3: Innovative technologies in heating supply systems
- Moderators: Mr. Torsten Stehr and Ines Stalinski /Chamber of Commerce and Industry Potsdam (DE)
- Input: Background information from Germany and Berlin
- Summary