Integrated Urban Development Concept for Riga Jugla
The project partner Riga presented on the final conference of Urb.Energy the Integrated Urban Development Concept (IUDC) for the target area Riga Jugla.
The aim of the integrated concept is to reach a high and long lasting residential and economical quality of the particular neighbourhood of Riga – Jugla, while paying a lot of attention to energy efficient solutions thus ensuring sustainability of the planned development.
The four fields
• Urban development,
• Energy efficient renovation of multi-apartment buildings,
• Energy supply and
• Optimal financial and organizational approaches
are covered with the IUDC. The structure of the IUDC is also aligned to main fields of residential neighbourhoods: urban environment, multi-apartment buildings and energy supply.
The IUDC of Jugla is a document prepared in accordance with “Riga long-term development strategy till the year 2025” and “Riga development program 2006-2012” and is a structured compilation of main conclusions of concepts and researches elaborated within the Urb.Energy project.
The “Riga longterm development strategy till the year 2025” defines 13 aims for city development, where four are priority aims and nine are strategic aims for attaining social, economical and urban quality in Riga. The IUDC would contribute to the longterm strategy in working for the priority aim “Life in a city with qualitative neighbourhoods” and the strategic aims “Green city with good environmental quality” and ”A city with qualitative dwellings”. The improvement of energy efficiency of multi-apartment buildings and energy supply system would also contribute to the EU Recast Directive on Energy Performance of Buildings.
The IUDC aims at Jugla as a residential neighbourhood of high quality and used top-down and bottom-up methods. For the urban areas part the particular problems and their solutions were detected by the bottom-up method, also a general principle of energy efficiency was ap-plied. In planning of the development of multi-apartment buildings and energy supply system top-down approach had to be used.
Requirements of the “Riga long-term development strategy till the year 2025” and EU Recast Directive on Energy performance of buildings were taken as biding within the concept.
The planning process of Jugla neighbour-hood consisted of four stages. During the first planning stage the particular aims and tasks of the “Riga longterm development strategy till the year 2025” of which the IUDC Jugla can contribute to were analysed.
During the second planning stage a detailed SWOT analyses was carried out finding strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for development of Jugla neighbourhood while paying special attention to urban environment, multi-apartment buildings and energy supply.
During the third planning stage the necessary activities to solve the problems were found. The activities are explained with the aims and tasks of the “Riga longterm development strategy till the year 2025” they correspond to. Also the problems they help to solve and which institutions are responsible for their implementation are described.
During the fourth planning stage the financial and organizational approaches for implementation of activities were developed and described.
The documentation of the IUDC is online available here.