Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO) e.V.
IWO (Initiative Wohnungswirtschaft Osteuropa) - Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe - is a association of private and public partners who aim at a market-oriented and ecological development of the housing and construction economy in Eastern Europe. By the assemblage of different participants from various fields, IWO pursues a comprehensive approach. The co-ordination of the experiences and solutions offered by the participants regarding business management, technology, energy and financing, shall enable a sustainable and in each case repeatable know-how-transfer for all specific customers. It also shall contribute to the development and implementation of projects and programmes within the housing and construction economy.
The main targets of the Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe as a registered society are as follows:
- Initiation of and participation in the development and implementation of repeatable model and pilot projects within the housing and construction economy in Eastern Europe;
- Participation in the conception and preparation of housing projects and programmes on the basis of pilot projects. The target is a broad and sustainable development of the housing economy in Eastern Europe especially considering energy savings and the reduction of CO2-emission;
- Assistance in legislation aiming at market-oriented structures;
- Advanced training and education programmes within the housing and construction sector.
IWO closely co-operates with all interested public and private partners in Eastern Europe and builds up a network "housing and construction economy Eastern Europe".
Furthermore the office of IWO, which is seated in Berlin, is fostering contacts with national organisations and institutions. These are i.a. Federal Ministries (Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology, Federal Foreign Office, Federal Ministry for Economic Co-operation and Development, Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing), financing organisations of the Federal Government (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW), Deutsche Investitions- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft (DEG), Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)) and organisations focussing on Eastern Europe, e.g. the Ost- und Mitteleuropa Verein e.V. (OMV). Within the OMV the IWO is actively participating in a committee on housing and construction economy in Central and Eastern Europe.
In addition to this, IWO is internationally orientated and offers the concentrated know-how of its supporters to international organisations and financing institutions, as e.g. the European Union, the European Investment Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development as well as the World Bank.
Housing Initiative for Eastern Europe (IWO e.V.)Project Coordinator and Online Editorial
Britta Schmigotzki
Friedrichstraße 95
Berlin 10117
Fon: +49-(0)30-2067 9802
Fax: +49-(0)30-2067 9804