(Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action)

Events > Midterm Conference in Warsaw

Workshop on Financial Instruments

In the afternoon of 9 June 2010, a half-day workshop on financial instruments for integrated and energy efficient urban development took place. The workshop tied up to the project seminar in Lübeck on “Financial Instruments for Integrated and Energy Efficient Urban Development”, which took place in April with a significantly reduced number of project partners due to flight disruptions.

The workshop started with an overview and evaluation of existing financial instruments for energy efficient urban development. In the first presentation, Andreas Dördelmann, Investitionsbank Schleswig-Holstein, Germany presented the summarized programme and findings of the seminar in Lübeck. This also included a short description of an excursion to the district St. Jürgen, where a complex regeneration project had been implemented by the local housing cooperative. Afterwards, Dietmar Walberg from the German ARGE-SH, Institute for Sustainable Construction, introduced the partners to the instrument “Cooperation Contract”, which has been the legal and financial basis for the three involved partners, i.e. housing cooperative, municipality and bank, to implement the urban regeneration measures.

After the two introductory presentations, the partners started to work in three working groups to discuss the necessary financial instruments to be applied in the target areas. A summary of the main findings of working groups as well as the two presentations can be found below.

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Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action
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