(Energy Efficient and Integrated Urban Development Action)

Events > Financing Seminar in Lübeck (April 2010)
European UnionBaltic Sea Region
Part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund and European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument). eu.baltic.net

In addition, the project is supported by the German Federal Programm Transnational Cooperation of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs. www.interreg.de

Seminar on Financing Energy Efficiency Measures

On the 19 and 20 April 2010, a WP5-Seminar took place in Lübeck, Germany despite the unfavourable situation that many project partners could not participate due to flight disruptions caused by volcano ash clouds. Fortunately, all partners and external participants from Germany took part as well as project partners from Siauliai, Lithuania and Grodno, Belarus.

The event with the title “Financial Instruments for Integrated and Energy Efficient Urban Development” was opened by Franz-Peter Boden, the Senator of Building Authorities of Lübeck.  Afterwards, presentations were held which provided information on current approaches to finance energy efficiency in housing and urban areas in Schleswig-Holstein.  A special focus was thereby on the instrument “Cooperation Contract”, a cooperation agreement between the State of Schleswig-Holstein, the Hanseatic Town of Lübeck and affected building societies.

On the second day of the seminar, European support activities were presented as well as experiences with revolving funding schemes and financing programmes using ERDF support. The seminar was, concluded with an excursion to the district St. Jürgen, an urban quarter which has been regenerated and refurbished with strong engagement of the local housing cooperative.


Pictures from Lübeck

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